A lot of people looking for online weight loss programs have questions about V Shred. Does this program actually work? And are the before and afters we see everywhere actually true? After reviewing many different online fitness programs out there, we decided to do a deep dive into V Shred to see what this program is really about. Here’s our official V Shred review and summary of what we found about their program:
How the V Shred Program Works
V Shred has created several follow along fitness programs for people of all fitness levels. It looks like their most popular program is the Fat Loss Extreme weight loss program. The company says over 3.1 million customers have tried this program since 2016 and boasts hundreds of success stories and V Shred reviews praising the program.
Many customers find the program that’s right for them by taking the Body Type Quiz. This short quiz tells you what foods and exercises are right for your body type, and then reveals a fitness program that will help you reach your goals.
Once you find your program, you can access follow along workouts, meal planning advice, recipes, and other bonuses inside the V Shred App,. The App itself currently has a 4.7 star rating out of 5.
The company also gives its customers access to a private Facebook community where they can interact with other customers and V Shred Certified Trainers for tips, motivation, and support. We learned the women’s and men’s Facebook Groups combined have over 1 million active members, which is one of the largest online communities we’ve seen in this space.
Custom Diet Plan:
V Shred describes their Custom Diet Plan as a customized plan for your body type designed by a V Shred Certified Coach. They believe that there’s no one size fits all plan when it comes to what to eat so they want people to have an advantage by getting a diet plan made for them that helps them reach their goals faster.
Hundreds of clients have shared their experiences with VShred's customized diet plan on their website. For example, Brian S says “I can't say enough good things about my experience with V Shred. They make meal plans, some specific meals and some guidelines so you can eat whatever you want in those guidelines.
Does V Shred Actually Work?
The V Shred weight loss program is based on science-backed principles for losing body fat and improving the metabolism. V Shred has broken down specific strategies for people who have been stuck in a plateau, have a slower metabolism, or simply struggling with their weight after turning 35.
Their approach uses a combination of specific movements and foods to help boost the metabolism.
Here’s what people have been saying about V Shred:
“…totally exceeded my expectations, like I went into this wanting to lose 10, 15 pounds max. I lost twenty five pounds. I've got a six pack now.” - Chris K.
“I highly recommend V shred if you want to have fun while losing weight! - Joanne S.
“It’s so simple. I’ve been on the program for two and a half months now. I’m 11 months into my Female Fat Loss Extreme, and I’ve lost 14 pounds and inches fell off… “I feel better. I have way more energy” - Crystal
“I've used the V Shred Fat Loss Extreme Program and the Ripped in 90 Days program and, yeah, I got some serious abs. I feel good, I feel great, I feel healthy, it's awesome.” - Ben M.
V Shred states that these results are not typical but are examples of what’s possible. More information about V Shred customer results can be found on their website here.
Our Biggest Takeaways About V Shred
Overall, the V Shred program appears to have helped many people change their lives for the better. The company has been helping people for over 7 years and has a growing community of raving fans.
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