Ruohan Liu Brings a Visionary Perspective on Digital Technology driving Environment Sustainability

Ruohan Liu Brings a Visionary Perspective on Digital Technology driving Environment Sustainability


“I think a lot of people with my amount of experience might’ve become a little tired and possibly a bit jaded by now,” Ruohan Liu, the current Global Director of PepsiCo says.

Thoughtfully weighing the question of how her experience is informing her current work spearheading agricultural and sustainability initiatives worldwide for the multinational corporation, the global director takes a beat before continuing. “But doing what I do, coming up with sustainable digital solutions and integrating that into companies’ current processes, I don’t ever lose that drive,” Ruohan says.

Ruohan Liu has had a wealth of experience to draw on, from working with Bayer and the Monsanto Company previously, as well as providing consulting work to find digital methods to take approaches to agriculture and making businesses more environmentally sustainable.

“Selling the concept of sustainability is rarely something you have to do with businesses, as many are already seeing the utility of prioritizing the minimization of negative effects that come with transporting a massive product volume transnationally,” Ruohan says. “It’s usually the farmers, the producers, these demographics need to be communicated the need for sustainability as well as productivity.”

PepsiCo recently unveiled a slew of initiatives promoting greener and more sustainable business practices. Among the most ambitious was a pledge to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040, ten years earlier than the Paris Climate Accord.

When asked about the zealous initiative, Ruohon explained that the brand’s determination to make greater improvements is about making greater impressions on the general public, as well as producers and distributors across industries. “Taking a more environmentally and socially-conscious approach is not something we want to be alone in,” Ruohan says. “Any brand within any industry could benefit from adopting a more earth-friendly model and it’s not like that takes anything from us. We want to encourage others to get on board with this.”

As more brands take on efforts to create systems that work in a greater balance with the natural environment, consultation and guidance are in greater demand in finding digital solutions to yield better and more sustainable business solutions across industries. “It’s more than being the way of the future, it’s quite literally the thing that’s going to bring us into the dawn of the new day.”


Ruohan Liu, accordingly, holds a great deal of experience in finding digital solutions in agriculture to promote sustainability. “I’ve worked at companies like Bayer in providing assistance finding these greater avenues to sensible approaches, and these concepts are only going to become more commonplace. They simply work, and large corporations integrating more socially and environmentally conscious are going to see those positive effects relatively quickly.”

Many businesses grasp the practicality of sustainability, the ways that it affords a brand greater integrity as well as lower costs with energy consumption and waste. With industry trailblazers like Ruohan Liu, these concepts can be communicated across production levels and business spheres to help transform our industries to create a better world.

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