Coming from the small Belarusian town of Kalinkovichi, Ruslan Mazurkevich started as an engineer. But his passion for entrepreneurial businesses flourished quickly, and he began building businesses from scratch. Ruslan’s story begins after graduating in 2009 and then attending the Belarusian State University of Technology as a mechanical engineer.
When asked about why he chose to study as a mechanical engineer, Ruslan expressed that he saw this position as highly respectable and that of an intelligent person. He said, “The old soviet film ‘Spring On Zarechnaya Street’ left an important mark in my childhood. One of the characters of this film was an engineer.” His inspiration for this career came from his love of solving difficult problems. Therefore, he understood that an engineer’s job, while not an easy one, is extremely important for production and manufacturing. It’s easy to understand how Ruslan became interested in such an esteemed career.
Ruslan showed himself as a gifted student throughout his years at the university. He was constantly looking for ways to learn more and develop his skills. His dean noted that he had taken a modern and straightforward look at the educational processes and their solutions.
Once his third year came around, Ruslan was ready to prove himself. He began working remotely at a large Russian company—INPART AVTO. Even through the difficulties of combining his studies with this new company's new rules and regulations, Ruslan was able to come out on top. He earned a leadership position in record time at this company. He did this by mastering the specifics of manufacturing supply and logistics.
Even while managing such a position, Ruslan graduated with two letters of recommendation, one of which was for his practices in factories. He felt that working a job like this while studying for his degree was very beneficial, even though difficult. It helped him truly understand that if you want something in this world, you need to work hard for it.
Once Ruslan left the Belarusian university, he didn’t slow down. He and his family lived in Belarus, and he took a position as the head of department over spare parts, tools, and equipment procurement. During his years working for his first company while in university, the knowledge and experience he gained, along with the many letters of recommendation, speeches, and developments with international companies, quickly showed how vital he could be in a position like this.
But during this year, Ruslan felt it was time to move on from science as he saw better prospects ahead. So he became interested and began working in the modernization and re-equipment of old USSR production lines, mechanical equipment, spare parts, and tools in factories within CIS countries.
After having held senior positions for many years and growing his partnerships in the Asian business market, Ruslan was ready to take things to the next level. So, in 2018, Ruslan founded his first company. During this time, trade relations between Ukraine and Russia began intensifying, which promised friendly trade relations and new prospects for machinery, equipment, and spare parts.
The new equipment and parts allowed companies to reach new high production levels. This, in turn, reduced the cost of production and helped companies receive equipment and parts for a lower price. China’s economy had also seen significant growth, which Ruslan had taken note of. So he began studying this rapidly developing market in 2015.
Ruslan’s past business endeavors gave him many possibilities. When 2020 came around, Ruslan had already:
In 2020, Ruslan was ready to open a new company—Guangzhou El Paco Trading Co, in China. Due to his many business trips, he had begun learning the language, and with Covid-19 restrictions looming overhead, it made sense to stay in China. So he took his family to China and began working tirelessly.
He was able to preserve important business processes by making this move. His dedication to his work and understanding of the Chinese mentality helped his new company to grow. He was able to see the possibility and prospect of creating a business here. When asked about his move to China, he said that the advice he’d give to his younger self would be to move to China earlier on. This is partly because building friendships, connections, and earning experience takes time.
His new company was able to actively work with CIS countries and directly supply them with a large variety of goods. In addition, his previous experience, connections, and knowledge opened up a world of possibilities for his business in China.
Ruslan’s desire to expand and build has not waned in the slightest. His passion for entrepreneurship knows no bounds. His heart is set on the U.S., where he can expand his entrepreneurial journey further. He wants to scale his businesses and find his place in the local market. His focus has now shifted to creating successful business endeavors for the greater good of the U.S.
When asked about possible difficulties in America, Ruslan expressed that, of course, taxes, business laws, and new rules are always difficult at first, but these help entrepreneurs interested in starting businesses. Business people raise the economy by investing, creating products, paying taxes, and creating jobs for those around them. Ruslan has a vast understanding of what it means to be an entrepreneur and is now ready to bring his talent, skills, knowledge, and experience to the U.S.
Ruslan’s story is inspiring for anyone. Going from a small town in Belarus to an international entrepreneur takes a unique combination of dedication, hard work, talent, and skills. Hopefully, Ruslan’s story inspires you to chase after your dreams, no matter where they take you!
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