Slipping into Zen psychosis with L.A. Weekly Arts Editor Shana Nys Dambrot

Slipping into Zen psychosis with L.A. Weekly Arts Editor Shana Nys Dambrot

width=1024 Multispectral Pinhole Exposure (Courtesy Shana Nys Dambrot)
What are dreams? Since the beginning of humanity we have often pondered the importance of dreams and their significance as windows into the subconscious. In this week's podcast L.A. Weekly Art Editor and Author Shana Nys Dambrot deciphers the meaning of dreams alongside our host, L.A. Weekly Publisher Brian Calle.

From art to our innermost thoughts, everything is up for interpretation. Where some see peace and tranquility, others envision terror and heartache. As an established critic with an extensive history of art analysis, Shana has long seen a connection between psychoanalysis and cultural critiquing. Guided by her own journal of dreams, Shana has written a personal memoir that slips past reality and into the deconstructed identity of subconscious: Zen Psychosis.

When you sleep, what images dance in your head? Have you ever been curious as to what this personal imagery means? L.A. Weekly's Art Editor explicates how our nighttime wanderings can be the most truthful depiction of our current realities, and the true meaning of zen psychosis.
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In order to truly analyze one's unconscious self, a person must fully embrace the standout occurrences that have shaped their path in life. Both Brian and Shana share personal memories, including an insightful look into the positive aspects of mind-altering substances. This week's podcast gives followers a deeper look into Shana's origin story - the one that sent her on the journey to become the standout figure in the art world that she is today. Hint: the heavy combination of acid and Picasso can set free the mind.

Tune into this week's podcast to discover the power of dreams and how they relate to all aspects of life, making them some of the most deeply personal art we will ever produce.

Listen to the podcast here or find it on iTunes here.

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