Teen Prostitutes Rescued in L.A. as Part of National Crackdown

The FBI says it rescued 105 kids across America over the weekend, children used for prostitution on the streets of America. The 76-city operation included the "recovery" of two juveniles and the arrest of three four alleged pimps in L.A., according to the bureau.

Agents worked with local cops for the last 72 hours to come up with the recoveries and arrests:

Feds say a total of 159 suspected pimps were arrested from coast to coast as part of the crackdown.

In San Diego, five children were taken off the streets and six suspected pimps were arrested, the bureau says.

Law enforcement usually targets "truck stops, casinos, street 'tracks,' and websites that advertise dating or escort services" in these kinds of operations, the FBI says.

Ron Hosko, assistant director of the FBI's Criminal Investigative Division:

Child prostitution remains a persistent threat to children across America. This operation serves as a reminder that these abhorrent crimes can happen anywhere, and the FBI remains committed to stopping this cycle of victimization and holding the criminals who profit from this exploitation accountable.

[Added at 2:19 p.m.]: Laura Eimiller of the FBI's office in L.A. says the teens rescured in the region are 15- and 16-years-old.

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