Tess & the Details get into Midtown: Tess Stevens and Gideon Berger of San Francisco punk rockers Tess & the Details told us about their shared love for a Midtown gem.
Tess Stevens and Gideon Berger: When we got the mission of choosing just one collective favorite album we thought it would be impossible - however within moments we realized we all agree on Midtown’s Living Well is the Best Revenge.
As songwriters, our primary goal is to craft music that strikes the perfect balance between catchy melodies, compelling storytelling, and an infectious energy that keeps listeners coming back for more. When we come across an album that successfully combines these three elements, it's not just inspiring; it's a testament to the enduring power of music. For us, one album that encapsulates this artistic excellence is Midtown's Living Well Is the Best Revenge.
More importantly - it’s a record that makes you feel something. As songwriters, we always aim to connect, writing about things that make us scared or excited or angry or sad. Midtown nails emotion to the wall on this record. It’s a Swiss Army Knife of a record - some songs make you feel like you’re bombing a hill on a skateboard (“Become What You Hate,” “Still Trying”) while others embody high school heartbreak (“Perfect,” “One Last Time”). Great records have different sides. Fast songs, slow songs, songs with massive drum fills, songs with none at all. The risks this band takes while keeping things catchy and approachable is really impressive - and something we aim to do in TheDetails.
Lyrically, Gabe Saporta is relatable but poetic - he doesn’t just rely on rhymes and cliches to convey emotion, these songs aren’t a slap, they’re a punch to the gut. The first time you listen to this album, it feels like a rollercoaster. On “Runaway” that lyrical push and pull from song to song was a big emphasis. You never want to be bored when listening to a record front to back, and it’s bands like this that drive that point home. They didn’t have to reinvent the wheel and put a bunch of gnarly production on things, they just roll the wheel really well.
Also - selfishly - this band sits in a similar lane to TheDetails. We want to deliver songs you can sing along to, in the classic style of catchy, driving, solid punk rock.
Long story short - Living Well is the Best Revenge record is a punk rock masterpiece.It's a record that keeps you singing, crying and jumping the whole way through.
Tess & the Details get into Midtown: Tess & the Details' "Mania" single is out now. The Runaway album is due out soon.
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