The Affordable Housing Problem In American Cities
Photo by Aaron Kato on Unsplash

The Affordable Housing Problem In American Cities

John Zipperer of the Marina Times writes about the growing issue that is a lack of affordable housing in America's largest cities, using San Francisco as an example. In this latest piece, Zipperer reports on California's state-mandated Housing Element, which requires San Francisco to produce 82,069 more housing units by 2031, and how SF's mayor has responded.?

When it comes to meeting our housing obligations, especially for affordable housing, San Francisco is treated as a joke by the state, writes Zipperer. That's because we are like the worst comic on open-mic night in a pizza joint's party room. We complain about high housing prices, we complain about homelessness, but when it comes to actually doing something, we ? voters and our very funny Board of Supervisors ? always come up with reasons not to build housing. We don't like the developer. The building will cast a shadow over a small part of a park one day each year. We don't want to look like Manhattan. My district is already too dense. And so prices continue to rise and people are still unable to find an affordable house or condo. Ha-ha.

Read more on Marina Times here.?

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