The Worst Habits of the L.A. Driver Are Revealed

Given that Los Angeles boasts the worst traffic congestion in the nation, it stands to reason that our fair city would make for a pretty good laboratory on the habits of highly ineffective drivers.

Earlier this year, the folks at discount airport-parking site asked 2,000 adult motorists in L.A. about the habits of their partners behind the wheel, and the results weren't surprising.

The No. 1 complaint people had about their partners was that they "played music too loud," says a spokeswoman for the site. Sixty percent of respondents cited loud music as their driving partners' top bad habit.

A close second was road rage, with 52% of those surveyed responding that they'd witnessed their partners "having road rage toward another driver."

Men had more complaints about their female partners than vice versa, the survey found. Thirty-four percent of L.A. guys say they've seen their partners applying makeup or hair products behind the wheel.

Thirty-one percent of men surveyed say they've seen their better halves use their cellphones while behind the wheel and, terrifyingly enough, nearly one in five (18 percent) confessed that their partners have "driven while intoxicated."

We're pretty sure that L.A. men are just as bad or worse when they drive: L.A. women just choose not to snitch.

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