EXTRA! EXTRA! NOW BEING SOLD AT WHOLESALE CLUBS ACROSS LA.Remember when you were 8 years old and you used to chug chocolate milk and not worry about all the sugar or getting a tummy ache? Yeah. Those days are over.And while black coffee obviously wakes you up and gives you energy? tbh everyone usually just wants an Iced Mocha Latte from the coffee shop on the corner. Because black coffee just doesn't hit that sweet spot.If what you just read hits home, you're not alone! The team at Slate feels the same way. That's why they created a drink they are calling their Espresso Chocolate Milk. This is an all-natural 'canned latte' that contains 150mg of real Colombian brewed caffeine (equivalent to two cups of coffee), 20g protein, 0g added sugar, and is 100% lactose free. Not only is it also in a recyclable aluminum can, but boy is it tasty.COFFEE + CHOCOLATE MILK!? WHAT'S THE STORY HERE?It all started in 2017, when our co-founders Manny & Josh really began to have trouble digesting lactose (bless their stomachs). It had been gradually getting worse as they got older, after all, 65% of Americans are lactose intolerant.They got to talking, and couldn't understand why there wasn't a line of better tasting, better-for-you chocolate milks on the market. And why isn't there a high protein latte they can crush that has both protein and caffeine?So they set out to make one.?SLATE GOES NATIONWIDE!Four years later, our high protein, caffeinated chocolate milk is on the shelves of grocery stores all over the country. And just this month, we are NOW AVAILABLE AT YOUR FAVORITE WHOLESALE CLUB ALL OVER LA!?Here are the nutritionals if you want to dive a little deeper:
If you want to try some Slate, head to your local wholesale club and grab a 12-pack today.WHAT MAKES SLATE AWESOME?Valid question.Whether it's a quick breakfast to get you out of bed in the morning, a healthy midday pick-me-up, or a protein-packed post workout, Slate helps you stay active, anytime, anywhere.Our protein count is doctor recommended after a workout, and with only 1g of total sugar, we help you hit your macros. And of course, for those lactose intolerant folks out there, chug your hearts out! We filter our milk using a process called ultrafiltration, which simply put, allows us to control exactly what goes into our products. Meaning more protein, less sugar, and none of that pesky lactose.Our drinks are also filled with electrolytes that help you stay hydrated and productive no matter what you're doing. Because we believe that even the smallest victories deserve to be celebrated.Ran a mile? Crush a Slate.Walked around the block? Crush a Slate.Woke up and took a shower? Crush a Slate.Our drinks are shamelessly chuggable. And yes, we coined that term.So next time you're at your favorite warehouse club, grab a 12-pack of Slate and try it for yourself.Because being healthier should never mean sacrificing taste.It's time to fuel up with Slate.BTW please recycle the cans. We love this planet.
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