Top 10 Medical Benefits of CBD for Pets

Top 10 Medical Benefits of CBD for Pets

This article was originally published on CBD Pet Medicines. To view the original article, click here.

Similar to the therapeutic and medical benefits of?CBD products?for humans, they are also beneficial for our pets. This is because all the vertebrate mammals have the endocannabinoid system and cannabidiol or CBD enhances this system by working on the CB1 and CB2 receptors. Moreover, pet owners are using CBD vet products as dietary supplements, as they are natural herbal products that have no side-effects. CBD products are now extensively used to manage or treat symptoms of many pet-related diseases. So, what are the medical benefits of using CBD for pets? Read ahead to know.

Appetite Stimulation

There can be times our pets refuse to eat because of bad appetite, and it can be frustrating. CBD oil can be used to stimulate the appetite of your pets. This is because of CBD's effect on the endocannabinoid system and on serotonin receptors. Moreover, it also prevents nausea, calms the animal, and helps quick recovery. Therefore, CBD oils are a good remedy for the fast recovery of sick animals as they can stimulate their appetite.

Suppress Seizures

Just like in humans, CBD is also effective in pet animals to control seizures. This is because cannabidiol has neuroprotective qualities as it disintegrates amyloid, an excess amount of which causes overstimulation of neurons resulting in seizures. Therefore, it can be used without fear of any repercussions along with its lack of side-effects.

Related: What's better for pets? CBD oil or CBD treats? Click here to learn more.

Reduce Inflammation and Pain

One of the major benefits of CBD is its analgesic and anti-inflammatory property and this is due to it de-activating the vanilloid receptors. These receptors control pain perception and cannabidiol prevents them from sending pain signals. Moreover, its effects on the CB2 receptors that are part of the immune system results in reduced inflammation. Hence, it can also be used to treat irritable bowel disease due to its anti-inflammatory property. CBD is a good natural pain killer and anti-inflammatory than synthetic pharmaceutical drugs.

Manage Depression and Anxiety

Similar to managing depression and anxiety in humans, CBD is also useful for pets. Besides, it is very difficult to manage pets who are suffering from anxiety as they might become aggressive. Moreover, depression can make your pets lethargic and less engaging. CBD is useful in treating these symptoms because it positively interacts with adenosine and serotonin receptors in the brain. The anxiety of the pet can be due to noise, phobias, or even objects, and using CBD helps to calm and manage the anxiety.

Faster Recovery from Injuries

Using pet?CBD products can help faster recovery from injuries due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Besides this, its enhancement of the endocannabinoid system coupled with improved blood flow due to better cardiovascular health can accelerate wound healing in animals.

Treat Arthritis

Among older pets, arthritis is a common problem, and it causes muscle atrophy, limping, spinal issues, and behavioral issues due to the pain. The usual medicines used are non-steroidal drugs and they are not safe because of the side-effects. Even though they give temporary relief, they are not safe for long-term usage. Hence, CBD is useful because of its benefits, lack of side effects and is a natural product.

Treating Diabetes

Similar to humans, the dysfunction of insulin causes diabetes in pets, and using?CBD can be helpful due to its effect on the immune system. Moreover, it was also found in a study that using cannabidiol product as a dietary supplement can lower the chances of developing diabetes in pets. Diabetes is caused by the immune cells attacking the pancreas and causing its inflammation. CBD is useful in treating diabetes due to its anti-inflammatory property and immune system enhancement.

Treat Itching and Scratching

Pet animals scratch due to several reasons such as shedding skin cells, rashes or can be due to fungal infections. Besides, it can even be due to allergies from pollen, dust, chemicals, etc., and hence it is important to find the cause. So, when pets suffer from itching, they scratch, lick or even chew the skin. So, using CBD oil helps to soothe the skin, reduce inflammation and manage the itching of the skin.

As Antiemetic

Certain drugs that you give to pets for their ailments can cause nausea and vomiting, but they can also be symptoms due to diseases. Many of the pharmaceutical drugs that are used as antiemetics have side-effects such as lethargy, lack of appetite, excessive drooling, diarrhea, the lowered threshold for seizures in epileptic animals, strong sedation, and hypotension. Because of CBD's effect on 5-HT1A receptors, it reduces nausea and suppresses the vomiting reflex. Therefore, CBD is a good antiemetic treatment solution along with it not having any side effects.

Boost Training Performance

The stress-reducing quality of CBD is useful because it improves the performance of pets when training them in certain activities. As a result, they are more attentive and chances of becoming injured are lowered.

On a final note, not all animals require CBD in their diet, and before giving vet CBD products to your animal you must consult with the veterinarian.

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