Trump Is Winning in ... California!?
Donald Trump has become a popular candidate with the white working class in the South and Midwest.
In California, where Latinos comprise the largest ethnic group, he's largely depicted as a pariah, mainly as a result of his stance against illegal immigration and his vilification of Mexican newcomers as criminals and rapists.
It might come as a surprise to learn, then, that Trump is winning in California.
Of course, the huge caveat here is that he's the top candidate for Republican voters, who are a shrinking minority in the Golden State.
The latest Public Policy Institute of California poll of likely GOP primary voters says Trump would come out ahead with 38 percent favoring the real estate mogul.
Ted Cruz is in second place with 19 percent support, PPIC says. John Kasich and a pre-dropout Rubio tied for third with 12 percent each, according to the results.
"The survey also asked Republican primary likely voters for their second choices, and when the responses are recalculated to exclude Rubio, Trump maintains his 38 percent support, while Cruz's support increases to 27 percent and Kasich's to 14 percent," PPIC said in a statement. "Twenty percent favor someone else (11 percent) or are undecided (9 percent). Trump leads across age, education, gender and income groups."
What's wrong with you, California Republicans? We thought you were supposed to be moderate. Where's Arnold?!
Interestingly, PPIC says that nearly half (46 percent) of the likely GOP primary voters it polled are not "satisfied" with their choices for president this year.
That's more like it.
PPIC surveyed 1,710 California adults via phone from March 6 to 15.
On the Democratic side, as we reported previously, Hillary Clinton was leading Bernie Sanders among likely Democratic primary voters 48 percent to 41 percent.
Young people were way more likely to support Sanders. "In the Democratic race, most voters age 45 and older support Clinton (63 percent), while most younger voters support Sanders (63 percent)," PPIC said.
Dems (65 percent) are much more satisfied with their choices, PPIC found.
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