You know it was a bad Super Bowl when the only thing anyone talked about afterward was Adam Levine's terrible tattoos (which got more hater chatter than the snoozer game and the meh commercials put together).If Pete Davidson doesn't do a douchey inked-dude parody on SNL?(which, let's face it, would be easy for him) this week, it'll be a missed opportunity, but Halsey is hosting so we recommend watching either way.
When it comes to major zeitgeist-y pop culture live television events, you kinda never know what might amuse, disgust, shock or awe the viewing public, because you never know what might happen, and that's exciting. This is definitely the case for CBS's next big event the 61st annual Grammys Awards, airing?this Sunday, but it's safe to say there won't be anything scandalous from this year's host, who is not a comedian but an artist herself. Alicia Keys is universally beloved and she's all about the smiley good vibes, so it will be up to the presenters and performers (onstage and, of course, decked out on the red carpet) to produce the water-cooler moments and Twitter tussles that make watching the show worth it in the first place.
If you're of the too-cool, punk-rocker-than-thou mindset, like most of our Facebook feed, you refuse to watch on principle or you hate-watch so you can lament about how music sucks these days! That's fun and we'll be doing that (check our Twitter for live tweeting on Sunday). But as someone who's covered the awards and done the red-carpet reporting, the gluttonous gifting suites and the party scene, which basically takes over Los Angeles during Grammy Week, we're looking forward to watching this year's show on TV, cozy on the couch with a cocktail and a critical yet open mind. Live performers we are interested in seeing:?Brandi Carlile, Camila Cabello and Janelle Monáe (the first time we ever saw her perform was at a Grammy party10 years ago). Miley Cyrus might be great, and Ms. Diana Ross better be. Of course everybody wants to?see Cardi B. (drinking game: shots for every Okkkkrrrr uttered during the show by anyone), but we think Post Malone with the Red Hot Chili Peppers has the potential for trainwreck of the night, à la Lady Gaga with Metallica. Which means it's the thing not to miss!
Music's biggest night airs live from Staples Center on CBS (and streams on CBS All Access via the web) on Sunday, Feb. 10, at 5 p.m.
It seems?every week there's?some new show to love or hate or both on Netflix. Birdbox, for example, saw?some pretty swift backlash?after it received accolades its first week. We loved it, but the Birdbox-pretend-you're-blind YouTube challenges that followed proved Netflix might be a little too good at hype, hype that some shows can't live up to. The Ted Bundy Tapes is a great example, offering insight?into the mind of a killer but?nothing fans of true-crime TV?haven't seen before.
One show worthy of all the billboards around town, The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, is deserving especially since its final season premiered a couple weeks ago. This oddball, pop cultureobsessed comedy from Tina Fey is worth re-binging from beginning to end with the final season tacked on. The dialogue is so chock-full of quips and weird references that you're guaranteed to catch stuff you missed the first time. And we will miss you, mole woman Kimmy!
Also have to mention Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, the Japanese author's home-improvement show that still seems to be resonating with clean freaks and guilting clutter bugs and non-minimalists everywhere. It's no coincidence that our local thrift stores are better stocked than ever right now, as we all purge our homes in hopes of sparking joy. The show itself really isn't that compelling. Anyone remember Clean House on E! with Claws' Niecy Nash? Way more fun. Since that's not available anymore, just watch the second half of Queer Eye, still on Netflix, for the same decor inspiration and giddy effect.
Though it seems designed for a big, mind-blowing all-night binge, we are only halfway through Russian Doll, the Natasha Lyonne hipster Groundhog Dayinspired drama. So far we think it's both annoying and compelling, and we'll probably lean one way or the other by the end. Or not. It appears to be leading to something meaningful, with the premise involving a woman who must relive the same night over and over until she dies (in different ways every time) after smoking a joint with ketamine in it (maybe). Don't do drugs, kids, and definitely don't do them while you watch this one, or you'll never figure out what the hell's going on.
A spanking new goodie just dropped on Netflix today and we can't wait to sink our teeth in. Big Mouth, the ultra-raunchy cartoon about puberty and adolescence (that, ironically, adolescents probably shouldn't watch), today debuts its Valentine's special, My Furry Valentine,?and we're guessing that like everything on the show, the title is a sexual innuendo of some sort. Either way, you'll fall in love with the outspoken hormone monsters who frankly and mercilessly verbalize everything ever felt, thought or done during teenage sexual awakening.
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