USC Report Slams Hollywood's Whiteness
A new report from the Media, Diversity, & Social Change Initiative at USC finds that Hollywood is indeed so white.
The Comprehensive Annenberg Report on Diversity looked at the payrolls behind 414 films, TV shows and digital productions released in 2014 and 2015. It also got the diversity story behind 10,000 directors, writers and show creators. Data for 1,500 Hollywood executives were parsed as well.
Here are the highlights:
-Female characters got only about 29 percent of speaking roles in films.
-About 85 percent of film and TV directors were male.
-Seventy-one percent of writers were male.
-Women represent only about "20 percent of corporate boards, chief executives and executive management teams," according to a summary.
-More than half (52 percent) of film, TV and digital productions featured no people onscreen who were of Asian descent.
-Eight-seven percent of directors across all platforms were white.
-Despite America's 38 percent minority population, minorities got 28 percent of speaking roles, USC found.
-Only 2 percent of speaking characters in all media were from the LGBT community.
"This is no mere diversity problem," said USC's Stacy L. Smith, founding director of the Media, Diversity, & Social Change Initiative. "This is an inclusion crisis."
The report comes as the National Action Network's L.A. chapter is calling for a "TV Tune Out" of the Academy Awards because minorities were shut out of the acting nominations for the second year in a row.
The omission has sparked a fresh round of criticism for Hollywood, which, as you can see above, doesn't begin to reflect the diversity of the great city surrounding it. Los Angeles County is about 75 percent nonwhite.
"It is clear that the ecosystem of entertainment is exclusionary," Smith said.
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