Most Vaccinated California Workers Will No Longer Need Masks
(Photo by Kyle Austin/Unsplash)

Most Vaccinated California Workers Will No Longer Need Masks

Fully vaccinated California workers will no longer be required to wear masks after a vote from the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (Cal/OSHA).

Cal/OSHA approved the new mask rules with a 5-1 vote, more closely aligning the regulations with what California Public Health has ordered for the general public.

The board flip flopped on their ruling twice last week, eventually deciding to keep all workers masked until they could meet again.

With the new ruling, workers who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 do not need to wear a mask, unless they work in public transportation or school campuses. Those workers also do not need to quarantine or get tested of if they experience COVID-19 symptoms, as the rate of transmission is low for vaccinated people.

Had the board not changed its regulations, it was expected that Gov. Gavin Newsom would overrule them and make the changes himself through an executive order.

Employers will have the choice of requiring workers to show vaccination proof or "self attest" that they've been vaccinated.

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