VIDEO: 'Reformed Whores' Respond to Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Rant

Remember when Rush Limbaugh took the initiative to call Georgetown University Law School student Sandra Fluke -- and all other women who use birth control -- sluts and prostitutes?

Here's refresher in case you've been hanging out under a boulder this last week or so.

Well a little comedy songstress duo put together a clever response for the roly poly "entertainer" and all of his GOP supporters to jam out to during their morning jogs.

Reformed Whores, consisting of southern belles Marie Cecile Anderson and Katy Frame, can sing and play old-timey instruments like the ukelele and accordion while sending flaming daggers of wit and reason in the form of cute little songs.

And this one is particularly good. Now I know I'm a snob, an elitist AND a slut. Well at least I'm not pregnant!

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