War Turns Men Into Monsters in This Pasadena Play

The atrocities of war are not confined to battlefields. It's trite but true: War changes a man, and Seven Spots on the Sun, now playing at the Theatre@Boston Court, examines what that means, both for the men at war and those who witness the effects.

Martín Zimmerman's play follows two couples. Mónica (Natalie Camunas) is married to Luis (Christopher Rivas), a sargento in the army of this unspecified nation that's undergoing a coup, while Bel?n (Murielle Zuker) is married to Mois?s (Jonathan Nichols), a man with an extraordinary ability to heal. But the war ruins their lives; afterward, Luis returns home, scarred mentally and physically by the things he's done, and Bel?n is killed by the army after trying to care for a rebel, prompting Mois?s to seclude himself and lash out at others.

The play also features a Greek choruslike entity called The Town? (Dianna Aguilar, Daniel Penilla, Michael Uribes), which mostly speaks in poetic language, but this is the show's weak point under Michael John Garc?s' direction. The story is tremendously affecting and engaging when it focuses on the dialogue between the named characters, but the heightened moments feel affected, like stereotypical experimental theater.

The Theatre @ Boston Court,70 N. Mentor Ave., Pasadena; through Nov. 1. (626) 683-6883, bostoncourt.com.

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