Weiner Sexter Sydney Leathers Offered Porn Gig in L.A.

Sydney Leathers, the young woman who appears to be Anthony Weiner's most-recent sexting partner, has been offered a gig taking it to the next level:

L.A.-based Vivid Entertainment, the king of adult-video production companies, has offered Leathers a job doing porn, the Weekly has learned:

This weekend the 23-year-old from Indiana, who reportedly sent thong and bikini shots of herself to New York mayoral candidate Weiner, met in L.A. with none other than Vivid chief Steven Hirsch.

See also: Anthony Weiner Nude Penis Photo Makes the Rounds

He's the guy behind the celebrity tape phenomenon, from Paris Hilton's home brew to Kim Kardashian's XXX romp.

He said in a statement sent to the Weekly:

We have offered Sydney several options but as of now no agreement has been reached. We hope to get a deal done with her soon.

So how much is Leathers in action worth? Has her recent bikini shoot in L.A. decreased her porn value? After all, there's something about our beaches that can seem to add a few pounds to a Midwestern hottie (not that there's anything wrong with that).

We're guessing seven figures. After all, Vivid is the master of newsworthy, celebrity porn (it was after Octomom for ages).

And if Hirsch is successful, he'll honestly be able to say, "You're with me, Leathers."

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