What CBD Can Do For Parents During These Unprecedented Times
Photo by Green Chameleon via Unsplash

What CBD Can Do For Parents During These Unprecedented Times

In partnership with The Fresh Toast

There's a lot of anxiety and uncertainty right now, but CBD can help you manage your stress and be the best parent you can be.

The start of every school year is?always?chaotic for parents. But?now,?between?online classrooms, managing hybrid schedules, and giving out endless snacks (all while working from home),this year has brought?on?a whole new level of mayhem.?Talk about stressful!??

Unfortunately, excess stress isn't healthy for you or your family, though. Your kids need you to be at your best every day so they can thrive, whether they are going to school in person or online.?

More and?more parents?are?turning to?CBD during the pandemic to reduce stress, quell anxiety, and sleep better at night. Here's why you?might want to consider CBD?as you navigate these unprecedented times.?

Keep calm?

You and your kids are navigating uncharted and nerve-wracking territory this year. Yes, they are probably going to ask you 500?math?and reading questions a day. However, yelling or getting frustrated isn't healthy for you or your child. It's so important to stay calm.A?study?published in the?Journal of Clinical Child Psychology?found that parental hostility like yelling and nagging can lead to behavioral problems and child aggression over time. Luckily a?2018 study?found that a combination of CBD and THC reduced stress and anxiety by 58% among participants.?

Reduce anxiety??

Photo by Juliane Liebermann via Unsplash

Unfortunately, anxiety can lead to a host of?symptoms, such as?higher blood pressure, increased heart rate, and fatigue. Over time it can?even lead to long-term health problems like heart disease and a higher likelihood of getting sick.?

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You want to stay healthy and be there for your family, of course.Studies?have found that CBD can help?reduce anxiety symptoms. It also may help?treat?anxiety disorders like?panic disorder,social anxiety disorder (in case you get anxious about those daily Zoom calls with your kid's teachers)?and?obsessivecompulsive disorder.??

Sleep better??

You probably make your kids adhere to a strict bedtime?on school nights. But if you aren't sleeping well, you aren't going to perform well or show up for your kids the next day, either. CBD can help reduce symptoms of insomnia. A?2019 study?also found that participants who reduced anxiety?overall slept better at night. That means performing better and being more alert the next day, too.?

Now if CBD could just help solve those math problems for you!

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