What You Need To Know About CBD And Drug Testing
This article was originally published on Just Pet CBD. To view the original article, click here.A lot of people including athletes are hesitant to take CBD because of the fear of turning a drug test positive. Many people have to undergo drug tests in their workplaces, hence, they can be worried about this compound showing up in these tests.However, CBD is not a psychoactive compound and it does not show up in a drug test. But using CBD products might turn a drug test positive in certain cases. Hence, we provide all the important things you should be aware of CBD and drug tests.Can CBD Fail You In A Drug Test?You don't have to worry about CBD failing you in a drug test, as most drug tests are not screening for this compound. However, there is another compound in CBD products that can turn a drug test positive. This compound is called THC, which is the culprit responsible for creating the euphoric effects caused by the use of cannabis.The concentration of THC can be extremely low in your CBD products, as they are typically extracted from hemp plants that contain only 0.3% of THC, which cannot create any intoxicating effects. But this amount might turn a drug test positive. Therefore, be careful when using CBD products if you have to undergo some drug tests.How To Use CBD Without Failing A Drug TestsIf you want to get the benefits of CBD, but do not want to fail a drug test, then products made from CBD isolates can be useful for you. Other CBD products like CBD oil and tinctures can have small amounts of THC, especially, if they are derived from full-spectrum CBD concentrates.Products derived from broad-spectrum CBD concentrates are also safe for you to use even if you have to undergo drug tests, as THC will be removed from these products.THC, CBD And Drug TestsThe following tests are usually used for detecting the presence of THC:UrineThis test won't detect the presence of CBD, but it will screen for THC. Metabolites of THC can be present in your urine for 3-15 days.Blood TestsBlood tests are rare when compared to urine tests because THC will be quickly eliminated from the bloodstream. This compound lasts in your blood plasma for only 5 hours, but THC metabolites can be detectable for almost 7 days.Related: Could CBD be beneficial for your pets too? Click here to learn more.
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