White Dove is a singer-songwriter, but she does not spend her days promoting concerts and counting YouTube followers. This musician uses her voice to champion the children around the world who suffer at the hand of famine, poverty, human trafficking, and war.
Like comic book superheroes, White Dove chooses to remain anonymous. In her case, the decision allows her to focus fans on her mission and her music.
White Dove's secret identity came about while serving as a medic in the war-torn region of East Africa. During that rescue mission, a grenade explosion killed 100 children. The blast injured her, along with over 300 others.
Pushing through the pain, she set up an emergency shelter for the severely wounded. As she cared for them, she sang. The children started calling her Karawan, meaning "white dove." It is under that name that she brings a message of hope and social change through song.
Though fans continue to search for the anonymous singer's identity, the music industry knows her only as White Dove. "My name is so much less important than the message you will find in my lyrics," White Dove explains. "Don't waste your time looking at me or wondering about my personal life. Think of what would happen if we all took our eyes off of ourselves and looked instead at the children we could help."
This emerging singer has taken a secret identity and even a cause like a real-life superhero. Her sworn enemy is pain, suffering, and social injustice in all its forms. There is a difference between fiction and real life, though. Unlike comic book and movie characters, the singer/songwriter's fight is not guaranteed a formulaic finale.
White Dove believes that change will only happen when enough people are bold enough to rise up against injustice. She uses her voice to inspire fans worldwide. "When people listen to my music, I want them to think about what is going on in the world," she says. "Everyone has the power to use their voice to make their world a better place."
If White Dove is a superhero, then Robert L. Smith, Oscar and Grammy-winning producer/engineer/mixer at Defy Recordings, is her new sidekick. Smith's industry experience and expertise help take White Dove's fight for social change to the global stage.
About the partnership, White Dove says, "Robert is exactly the producer I hoped would record my work. He understands and fully believes in the message I need to share."
This dynamic duo will begin their partnership by recording White Dove's third release, "Hungry," in Manhattan, New York. Not only does Smith believe in White Dove's cause, but he is also ready to join her in the fight.
In a recent press release, Smith states: "White Dove's message with her music aligns perfectly with where I am in my career. Using my skills in music, production, and sound to help others and bring awareness to causes we both feel passionate about is a synergy that could move mountains and give new purpose to those platforms that have, until now, solely provided entertainment."
White Dove is a singer determined to take on the world with her music and lyrics. Rather than reveling in the cares and concerns of the music industry, she chooses to challenge pain and suffering with two superpowers — social change and hope. Fans who want to learn more about White Dove and her latest musical releases can join her fight for social justice at wdove.com.
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