Why Dubai: The Ritossa Family Office Investment Summit Answers

Why Dubai: The Ritossa Family Office Investment Summit Answers


Sir Anthony Ritossa's 20th Global Family Office Investment Summit, which was held in Dubai from October 18-20, 2022, was a splendid, valuable event. It was a room full of investors and incredible projects that were highly-vetted and worth funding — a balanced mixture between those who wanted to invest in projects and those who had projects in which to invest.

According to the official Ritossa Family Office website, “Despite the challenges the world faced in the past year, during which foreign direct investment [FDI] declined globally by 42 per cent (from $1.5 trillion in 2019 to $859 billion in 2020), Dubai succeeded in attracting high volumes of FDI. This is a testament to UAE's economy’s resilience and stability.”

Dubai has been, and will always be, known as the world-famous financial marketplace. For that reason, it was selected as the obvious spot to host the ‘World’s No. 1 Family Office Conference, where World Leaders, Global Family Offices & Entrepreneurs Unite Together to Invest and Create A Brighter Future.’ Further, the recent Ritossa investment summit in Dubai revealed that a large number of entrepreneurs have either moved their businesses to Dubai or are planning to in the very near future.

 “Today’s successful family offices are dedicated to both growing and preserving wealth for future generations,” said Igor Grahovac, esteemed organizer of the Ritossa Family Office. “Since idea sharing and co-investing are increasingly popular, family offices embrace networking opportunities such as the Ritossa Monaco Summit as a way to meet other like-minded families. Family offices provide a business structure for family investments and family office gatherings are a forum for idea exchange at a high level.”

Project Diversity

Of the projects featured at the event there was a wide diversity, from crypto and blockchain projects to VC funds, manufacturing, healthcare, shipping, and real estate. We found it fascinating to see how traditional niches like those are becoming more technologically advanced by incorporating blockchain tech into their softwares and SOPs.

The Future of Business

The Ritossa event was quite forward-thinking: Chock-full of modern businesses that are pushing the boundaries with cutting-edge blockchain and crypto technology. Even in some aspects, these entities — such as Stefan Kanagala’s project, ‘Yes We Trust,’ which builds an ecosystem with elements of tech applications, real estate, investment funds, and Saas — are bringing the metaverse into our day-to-day-lives and standard investment strategies. Yes We Trust, for example, uses the latest technology to help its members achieve personal, professional, and social growth. Their physical and digital products help private individuals and companies who want to change the world by improving their lifestyle, mindset, network, and financial situation and deliver a sustainable social impact for everyone.

Mingling and Learning in High Places

Not to mention, of course, there were fabulous networking opportunities. It was a gorgeous event at the Waldorf Astoria in Dubai, which is an absolutely beautiful hotel. The food was great, the company was wonderful, and the entire soiree was wonderfully classy.

The speakers were fantastic, the panels were highly interesting and in-depth. Itt was wonderful to listen to discussions about topics such as old ways of doing business in the new economy. Personally, we loved seeing traditional experts — people who primarily work in VC funds, for example — talk about new and innovative investment opportunities, be it crypto, metaverse, blockchain, et cetera.

Attention to Every Detail

Finally, I found the panels wonderfully diverse. As a female business owner of a business whose leadership team is all women, seeing a women-only panel and being invited to an exclusive women's breakfast during the Ritossa Family Office event was a lovely touch.

On the whole, it was a few days to remember for a lifetime. From deep learning opportunities in the investments, strategies, and tech spaces to an extravagant display of opulent opportunities and class, this event was worth it. We will definitely be coming back to see what new and exciting projects are being presented in conjunction with the Ritossa Family Office.

About Victoria Kennedy

Victoria Kennedy is a Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Author, TEDx speaker, and well-respected authority in public relations. She is the CEO of Victorious PR, an award-winning, multi-million dollar PR agency that has helped dozens of entrepreneurs become the #1 Authority in their niche by getting them featured in top podcasts and press. Learn more here: https://victoriakennedyofficial.com/

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