Why Is L.A. Such a Sad Place for Valentine's Day?

Los Angeles is a sexy place, filled with hard bodies who come here to claim their stars on the Walk of Fame.

And yet it's a sad city when it comes to romance.

The folks at personal finance site WalletHub looked at 15 key metrics, including restaurant prices, attractions and florists per capita, to determine 2016's Best and Worst Cities for Valentine's Day.

WalletHub's number crunchers played Cupid to find out which of the 100 largest [U.S.] cities are the most romantic but also the easiest on our finances, the site said.

As you can imagine, L.A. wasn't high on the list. In fact, we didn't make the top half.

Los Angeles ranked 52nd out of 100. Our budget rank was 66. For activities we ranked 40th. For gift accessibility we were 25th. And for weather we were 16th. Yay!?

Being poor and in love is the best.

WalletHub says that from coast to coast, the average lovebird will spend $146.84 on the big night.

That will barely get you parking and drinks in L.A.

And therein lies our problem: cost of living. While so many of you are trying to make a killing, you're killing yourselves paying the rent.

UCLA says Los Angeles is the least affordable rental market in the nation. So going out is quite the luxury, even on Valentine's Day.

Here's a secret, though. WalletHub says Irvine, corporate home of Taco Bell, ranks first in the nation for lowest meal costs. So, drive a little, save a lot.

Or just stay home and love the hell out of yourself. It's free.

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