Why Now Is DEFER's Time

Why Now Is DEFER's Time

DEFER, a prominent name in the world of street art, has gained international recognition for his unique style of graffiti and calligraphy. Drawing inspiration from his Japanese heritage and upbringing in Los Angeles, his work has become a fixture in the city's street art scene, and his contribution to the world of street art is undeniable.

With an upcoming solo exhibition in London, DEFER's time has come to showcase his cultural and financial value and is a testament to his significant position in street art history.

 width= DEFER Painting A Mural in L.A. In Collaboration With Woodbury House.

DEFER's artistic journey started in the 1980s when he began painting graffiti on the streets of LA. Back then, the city's street art scene was flourishing, and DEFER quickly became an integral part of it. His intricate lettering and bold colours caught the attention of many, and he soon developed a loyal following. Alongside his contemporaries, such as OG Slick and RISK, DEFER helped shape the style and aesthetic of LA graffiti, which went on to influence street art worldwide.

 width= Defer; Blk & Yellow, 2023. Defer; Baby Blue, 2023. Defer; Ready Red, 2023.

DEFER's artistic evolution continued into the 1990s when he began exploring Japanese calligraphy, significantly impacting his work. The influence of calligraphy can be seen in his signature style, which merges traditional graffiti elements with the fluid strokes of Japanese characters. His work also references Japanese cultures, such as samurai warriors, geishas, and cherry blossoms, which reflect his cultural heritage.

In recent years, DEFER has gained international recognition for his work, and his unique style has captivated art enthusiasts and casual observers alike. He has not only introduced a unique style but has also helped bring street art into the mainstream. His work has inspired a new generation of street artists and helped elevate the status of street art in the art world.

 width= DEFER, BEYOND THE STREETS New York, 2019. Photo By Martha Cooper.

DEFER's upcoming solo exhibit in London is a highly anticipated event in the world of street art. The exhibit titled 'Spiritual Language' will feature some of his most iconic works as well as new pieces that have never been seen before. Woodbury House, the private gallery in Mayfair, London, specialises in street art and will host the exhibition. The gallery's last exhibition for Blek le Rat, titled 'The Return of The Rat,' saw all of the new works sold before the doors opened, and collectors are already presuming it could be the same with DEFER's exhibition.

 width= Left: Mural by DEFER in Hawaii. Photo by Rom Levy. | Right Museum of Graffiti Mural By DEFER.

The solo exhibit is a significant milestone for DEFER as it marks his UK debut show and a significant moment for the European street art scene. With institutional support and backing from the high-end art world, DEFER's art has become essential to the city's cultural landscape. It is now being studied and exhibited in museums worldwide. Financiers, including Mike Alexander, former CEO of Jefferies Asia and CEO of the $1bn EOS VC Fund under Block.one, and Dr. Mike Haywood, Founder of LiveHire.com (ASX:LVH), a "decentralised talent ecosystem" managing billions in recruitment globally each year and a Board Member of the National Museum of Australia, are just some of the notable names backing DEFER publicly. Their support only reinforces the significance of DEFER's position within the wider street art history, and it is no surprise that he is one of the hottest artists and most sought-after by collectors at the moment.

DEFER's upcoming solo exhibit in London marks a significant moment for him as an artist and for the European street art scene. His bold, innovative style and his dedication to his craft have made him a true icon of street art history. With his cultural and financial value recognised by the high-end art world, it's clear that now is DEFER's time

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