Women’s Day Every Day: Celebrating the Achievements of Women Around the World

Women’s Day Every Day: Celebrating the Achievements of Women Around the World

A yearly article that highlights the achievements of women from diverse backgrounds and cultures

Women have always been a powerful force in the world, pushing boundaries and making incredible accomplishments despite social barriers. This year, we are celebrating the amazing achievements of women around the world who have proven that anything is possible.

From entrepreneurs to activists, scientists to philanthropists, women have really made an impact in their respective fields.


Hanalei Swan, a fifteen-year-old fashion designer, artist, model, international speaker, and bestselling author, shares, “One of my biggest accomplishments would be starting my own fashion company at the age of 11 and making my first six figures by the age of 12.” Swan was born in San Diego, California but began travelling around the world at the age of one with her family. Since then she has lived in 25 different countries and is currently settled in Bali, Indonesia. “When I was seven, I was asked, ‘What do you want to be now?’ instead of the standard ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ That single question empowered me to believe I could follow my dreams instead of waiting for the future. I hope to inspire other women, especially young girls, to believe that they can truly do anything no matter their age or gender.”


CEO of Marianna Naturals and beauty brand coach Heather Marianna advises that the pathway for women to make an impact in business is to “stay the course. It’s a journey, not a sprint.” Marianna was born in San Diego, California and now resides in Las Vegas, Indiana. Having recently taken her company public, Marianna has this to say, “I wanted to show women how to effectively do home spa treatments for a fraction of the cost. Taking Marianna Naturals Public was creating the life I want with total freedom which is why I do beauty brand coaching now. I want to show women how to create their own freedom business with a skincare brand.”


A pair of women making a change in an area many still consider taboo, sexuality, are twin sisters Anna Nowak and Alicia Berg, founders of Made Hot STHLM AB. “We need to celebrate ourselves as women every day! As women, we do so much in our everyday life, work, and family lives, and we never stop. Society shames us when we put ourselves first. We must collectively work against this to change the narrative and prevent a mental health crisis among women. That is one of the reasons why we want to lift up self-love, self-care, and mental wellness in our business,” share Nowak and Berg. “Stand up for yourself and your project; say it even though your voice may shake. Be fearless in your authentic self.”


It is often our challenges that lead us toward our greatest achievements. In 1987,
Beate Nimsky, COB and director of Biotonus Corporation, founder of Nimsky GmbH. and founder of Nimsky Academy was in a car accident that severely damaged her spine. It was this experience that began Nimsky’s journey toward her mission in life. “I received treatment from a holistic doctor which then led me to a seminar with Mantak Chia. There I experienced an abundance of luminous energy in and around my body. That was such a drastic experience for me that I decided to learn the technique. I was personally trained by Master Mantak Chia. Since that time, I have combined my leadership experience and management training with energy work and developed a unique system that helps people to develop on both a personal and professional level. Since I originally made my career in a man's world, it is a matter close to my heart to support women in finding their inner strength and developing the courage to stand up for themselves. Women are powerful beyond their imagination. Let's celebrate and live!”


To achieve greatness, women cannot and must not do things the same way our men do. “Women often try to be outstanding by copying men’s behaviors, but we are not meant to be men. We can evolve a uniquely female way to create a sacred balance between the divine feminine and the divine masculine in both men and women,” states quantum psychologist, business mentor, and CEO of BusinessFlowAcademy Stefanie Bruns. Born in East Germany and watching her parents work hard in a grocery store to earn money, Bruns decided that she wanted to do things differently. “I chose a profession where people would come to me and appreciate my services. I’ve twice created a multi-million-dollar business from scratch with zero investment because I simply had none. I experienced many challenges to get where I am today, but after every great fall, we have a massive learning curve and become more unshakeable. Never let the shit show steal your glow!” laughs Bruns.

The accomplishments of women should be celebrated and acknowledged every day, but this year has been particularly special in terms of achievements made by women around the globe. As we look forward to the rest of 2023, let us continue to inspire each other and support one another in our endeavors. Together, we can do anything!

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