Anthony Weiner Told Porn Star Ginger Lee About His Legislative 'Package,' Clearly Sought Her Advice on Particular Policy Matters

We're glad U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner hasn't resigned yet. We need to keep hearing about his package.

In a somewhat ironic turn of events, a porn star took the podium today to point the finger at a congressman for being prurient.

Nashville adult performer Ginger Lee, who's clearly done some work right here in L.A. and is rep'd by our own Gloria Allred (and, as we've told you, this whole scandal really has L.A. roots), appeared as a debutante defiled as she described Weiner's texts to her, such as this one:

Alright, my package and I are not going to beg. We both see the hazard of going down the path of comparative sexiness.

To be fair, Ginger, Weiner was talking, of course, of his legislative package -- his "Honest Services Restoration Act." 'Cause he's honest.

At Lee's news conference today, Allred said Weiner sent Lee about 100 messages. And many, it seems, had to do with his package. "You aren't giving my package due credit," he said in one.

Lee said she never engaged in sexual talk herself: "I did not sext Anthony Weiner. I did not send photos ... "

Because U.S. representatives always start relationships with sexy adult workers in order to seek their political advice on policy matters.

The porn star said that, after the sexting scandal broke, Weiner "asked me to lie" about their own texting.

She indicated that she suffered some "lost income" as she went into hiding. Nobody (we're looking at you Vivid Entertainment) wants to hire a hot porn star involved in a globally viral scandal.

(The text between the lines here is that maybe Lee is looking for settlement, because attorney Allred is involved).

Anyway, being a close political adviser to Weiner, what with all that discussion about his legislative package, Lee stepped up the calls for the congressman to "resign."


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