Naked Therapy is L.A.'s Latest Self-Improvement Industry Just Ask Randy Hastings

You gotta love L.A. Along with our porn industry and pot shops, we can now lay claim to hosting "the world's first gay male Naked Therapist-in-Training."

And while in some contexts naked therapy would just be another term for, er, prostitution, in the yoga-infused, hippie world of Los Angeles, it's "client arousal ... in order to facilitate deeper insights and discussions," according to a statement from the man's employer,

Hmm. Deep. Yes, well, you know what this guy's name is, of course:

Randy. Yep. Randy Hastings.

He's not even a licensed gay naked male therapist. Yet. states that he'll have to go through a year of training first.

(Who issues this naked therapy permit? The L.A. Police Commission?).

Anyway, the folks at swear by this kind of therapy, stating:

We need to be comfortable being aroused, and we need to practice making that arousal experience a valuable and insightful, not a banal and degrading, one.

Well, Randy, you're in the right town.

[Press release].


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